Crumpet Club

Can you really trademark a colour??! 🧐🎨⁣ The answer is YES which is kind of wild!

Some companies out there have obtained the rights to their specific brand colour values, which means you can’t have them! HERE’S A LOOK AT SOME OF THE MOST FAMOUSLY TRADEMARKED COLOURS 🌈🌈🌈


In use for over 150 years, the “robin’s egg blue” colour now synonymous with the brand became the official trademarked colour in 1998, partnering with Pantone to dub it “1837 Blue” in honour of the company’s founding date.


The brand introduced red into their marketing in the late 1940s, updating their previously black and white design. The colour is referred to as “Coke Red” in all of their design materials.


The purple appeared in the Cadbury branding for the first time in 1920, and has since become THE recognisable colour for chocolate. An ongoing trademark war between rivals Cadbury and Nestlé over the use of the colour purple in confectionary branding has been waged for years – but we’re TEAM CADBURY!


Technically called International Klein Blue (IKB), the colour was developed in 1957 by French artist Yves Klein in collab with an art supply brand (still a shop in Paris today). Klein featured IKB in loads of his work, and famously applied the colour to canvas using the bodies of models.


Post-its were invented in 1968, and the iconic “Canary Yellow” color was apparently chosen by complete fluke – a lab next door only had scrap yellow paper on hand, and they’ve stuck (lol) with it ever since!


Founded in 1649 !!!) in Finland, Fiskars made the world’s first plastic-handled scissors in 1967 and they were Fiskars Orange out of convenience using what was around in the manufacturers. They took it and ran with it, and the colour has been trademarked since 2003.


While rumour has it that the ‘Barbie Pink’ colour is trademarked – it actually isn’t! You’ll find PMS 219C in your Pantone books free to use as you please!

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So, what do you think about trademarking colours?!

We don’t love the idea of being able to OWN a colour – colours should be for everyone!

About the author

AT LAST! 😭🌈💖🥳 I’ve FINALLY made the design tool that I’ve always wanted, and here it is for ya! 🎨

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